Monday, October 6, 2008

Sunday, October 5, 2008
Walks & Soccer

The next thing on the day of relaxing was Jimmy's soccer game. He is the youngest team member, and having never played soccer before, he started out at the bottom of the totem pole. but, over the semester, he has been working up more and more playing time. This game, the Knights (Crossroad's team) won. I can't remember the score. :D
Bench warmers - Ben and Jimmy
Getting a cool drink on a warm day.
Praying with the opposing team after the game.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Presidential Inauguration
At the inauguration, I ran into Billy Wallace! Well, not literally, but it was a surprise. It was fun to see him, even though we only got to talk for about 5 minutes.
Adoration sang two songs at the inauguration. It went well except for the 3rd note in the second song we sang...that one was a little flat... =D
After the inauguration, Adoration, along with our director, and his wife and eldest son, went to Applebees for half-off appetizers after 9pm. We had fun telling stories, and sharing inside jokes.
The following picture is of Emily, Liz, and I at the inauguration. Thanks to "Bar" for taking the picture, and to Liz for letting me "borrow" it from Facebook. These two girls are the greatest. They are my adventure buddies.

Sunday, September 28, 2008
Singing in Cleveland

Today was Adoration's first time out singing this school year. We went to Cleveland, MN to sing at the Church of Christ there.

Thursday, June 12, 2008
Michael Buble
Michael Buble is one of my favorite music artists. He sings love songs; a lot of them are classics that were first done by Frank Sinatra. I really like the songs sung by Sinatra, but never really loved his voice, so when I discovered Buble singing the exact same songs but with a voice as smooth as silk, I fell in love. Not with Buble, really, just his voice.
I spent a few hours tonight painting in the upstairs bathroom. I was listening to Michael Buble and by the time the cd was finished, my hands were too paint-covered to go change the cd. So I let it restart...then again...and again. I listened to that cd 6 or 7 times before I quit for the night. Now, if I were to choose one of my cds to listen to that many times in one night, that would definitely be the one. And for the most of the painting job I really didn't even think about it, but it was about the time that I was standing on a step-ladder right next to the toilet, painting up above it that I realized how totally unromantic it becomes when you're painting there.
So that is all for my ramblings tonight. It is late and I've got to get up in the morning. Two of my aunts are coming and I'd rather they not know how late I can sleep in if I let myself. =D
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Day 8
1. Peggy drove the entire way home - so I got to sit back and relax and listen to the audio book that we had borrowed at the library.
2. I got to give Jimmy his 16th birthday present to him today, because I was gone while he had his birthday. In our family we are not allowed to drink coffee until our 16th birthday, so I bought him a gift card to a coffee place in town.
3. I came home to find a bunch of graduation congratulatory cards. I loved reading all of people's wishes. It is always an encouragement to me to know how many people care.
4. I came home to find that my closet organizer finally came in. And that Jimmy had already put it together for me! I love that boy! The organizer looks quite beautiful in my closet and I hope to find time to organize my stuff into it tomorrow. I love to organize, so I am very much looking forward to it!
5. My house is in a complete disarray. The dining room is emptied into the living room, and the upstairs bathroom is emptied into my parents' bedroom. In preparation for the open house on Saturday, my mom is getting a few projects done. Two of my aunts will be coming to help out in a couple of days, and Carrie arrived here about an hour after we did to help out as well. I love the feeling of getting things done, so it was very exciting to be working on that with Carrie this early evening.
6. Carrie promised me the game of Hoopla for my graduation gift. I'm very excited! I fell in love with that game.
That is all of the news that I can think of right now. I had a grand time at Carrie's house and am now excited to have her and her kids here for a while longer. It's good to be home and to be caught up in the flurry of preparation for the open house.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Day 7

We painted in Cate's room, first, putting a second coat on the green walls and then priming and painting the floors an off-white. Peggy got very little paint on her, Carrie got some, and I got a ton on me. I should show you all a picture of my painting clothes some time...they are quite unique.
We took a break from painting for a while and got Culvers for lunch and took it to the park to eat. The kids played for a while, then we headed back to finish the floor.
After all of the painting was done, we went outside for some yard work. Carrie mowed the lawn, while I ran the weedwacker. This was my first time using a weedwacker...I felt accomplished when I finished. :)
We all cleaned up after our work and then headed over to the Church's softball game. I was feeling very tired, so I went back to the car to sleep, so I missed a lot of the game.
That was about all that happened today, Oh! Except for the swimming pool...it was retired today, because it developed a hole. The kids were sad about that. Other than that, it was a fairly productive day and very worth getting up for.
Day 6
Today was a rather fun day! We went to Church, since it is Sunday...err, was Sunday, before the clock passed midnight...hehe. Peggy had been there before, but this was my first time. I loved the Church here; everyone was so friendly and made us feel quite welcome.
After Church, we had lunch at HuHot Mongolian Grill. Once again, Peggy had been before, but it was my first time. I absolutely loved it! For those of you who have not been there before, I will explain it to you. First you get in a buffet line where you choose which kind of meat you would like, then which kind of noodles, then vegetables and sauce. Next you take it up to this big, circular frying stone, where the food is fried right in front of you. The men move around the stone with spatulas, chopping up the food and turning it to keep it from scorching. They all spend a certain amount of time at each person's dish and after all of the men have gone through, the last one puts it on a plate for you, it only takes a minute before it's all ready. Right behind the frying men follows another one who is pouring water on the grilling and cleaning it off so that as more people come, they can keep putting new food all of the way around the grill, keeping the circle moving. Joel and Cate enjoyed it the most when fire came swooshing out of the center of the stone and when one of the men picked up a piece of Joel's broccoli with his spatula and was batting it in the air like you might see someone doing with a pingpong ball and paddle.

I picked up some chopsticks on the way to our table and was getting ready to eat with them, when both kids became enthralled with them. Peggy grabbed a couple more so that the kids could eat with them too. Both of them liked using the "sticks" so much that neither one would eat with a fork for the rest of the meal. It took a little longer than usual to finish our meals. Here are some pictures of Joel demonstrating the use of the chopsticks.

Saturday, June 7, 2008
Day 4
Cate woke up from her nap not long after I got home, but Joel slept for quite some time. Carrie and Roger's friend, Derek, stopped by to make sure that we were doing okay without Carrie, which was really sweet of him. I really appreciate having someone that we can call if we have any troubles at all.
After Joel woke up, we decided that a trip to the park would be fun. I have that and the secret snack trip in a slide show below.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Day 3
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Day 2

Day 1

Now I must go to bed so that I am prepared for whatever the kids want tomorrow. Cate informed me that I was sleeping with her...that is my pillow that she is sleeping on. She put it there to insure that I would come back upstairs. Joel said "I want a human to sleep in my bed, too!"
Friday, May 9, 2008
I woke up this morning very sleepily and thought to myself...I'm just going to snuggle under the covers for a few more minutes. I woke up again at 9:45...ooops...and I was supposed to be to work by 10:00. Thankfully I had already picked out my clothes and had packed my lunch, so I was out the door very quickly. I got to work at 9:59.
It was a great day at work. I was wearing a springy outfit and most of the customers were cheerful, so it made for a great day.
At 5:00, Emily and Liz picked me up (Bob had come to the store to borrow my car so that he could spend the evening with Sarah) and the three of us, and Emily Jo, went to see Nim's Island. It was an enjoyable movie, but probably not one that was good enough to watch again.
After the movie, we dropped Emily Jo back off at the store, then Emily and Liz came to my house for banana splits and to meet Keren, who is visiting us for the weekend (yay!).
At some point during the next half hour, Liz mentioned that our final grades were in our mailboxes at the school, so we zipped over to the school to find out how we'd done. Peggy and I both have a 4.0 this semester, making Peggy's GPA 3.85, and mine 3.95. So, we're pretty proud of ourselves.
Today was also my niece, Caitlyn's birthday. She turned 6 years old. I didn't call her today...I'm a bad aunt, right? But a couple of days ago, Peggy and I sent her a package in the mail, which she did get today. Peggy got her a book, and I got her a necklace and a bracelet...shows our personalities, right?
Thursday, May 8, 2008
June 1st - On the Air
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
No School!
The day is now done, but I'm left feeling like I accomplished things and like I'm one step closer to something...to what, I can't quite figure out. I'm one step closer to being more responsible, to being organized...I don't know. It was a very productive day, though. I think that is maybe why I like Spring so much. The fresh, warm air with a cool breeze makes me want to get things done. So I followed my urge to do some spring cleaning. I made a list and accomplished everything on it. I picked up my paycheck, ran some errands, cleaned my room, wrote some letters, cleaned other areas of the house, found all of my borrowed school books and returned them to the college, and a myriad of other little things that needed to be done. I got it all done while the day was nice and warm.
Around the time I got home from all of my running around and had not much else to do, the temperature started to drop and you could hear thunder in the distance...so, since I had no school or work, I watched a movie with Peggy while I colored in my princess coloring book, then curled up on the couch with a good book. Then, later in the evening, Sarah came over and Bob, Jimmy, Sarah, and I played card games. We played a very close game of Rook in which Bob took the last hand and started whooping in victory before I showed him the scores, which showed that although he had gotten 500 points, I had gained just enough points that hand to be at 510 points. It was beautiful. Then we played a game of Spades. We never did finish that game, although, when we quit, Jimmy and I were winning.
All in all, it was a great day. First I was productive, then I relaxed and enjoyed the evening. I'm so very glad that school is done.
Time with Mama and Sisters
The place had a little gift shop in it too. After our very yummy lunch we walked over to the chocolate shop, which was closed, and then to an antique store or two. One of the shops was especially fun and Peggy ended up buying a hat from the 1930s. The hat is adorable and I believe that you might actually see her wearing it in the future.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Leaving on Tour
Try not to miss me too much! Thanks for the prayers.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Good Intentions

Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Excited for Summer
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Another Adoration Outing

When we left the show, we walked several blocks to our vehicle, singing "Trashin' the Camp" (from Tarzan) in downtown Minneapolis. It was great fun!
The next morning, after checking out of our hotel, we spent a couple of hours at the MOA. Several people wanted to try out the newest ride at the park there. I wasn't feeling well, so I begged out and took charge of the camera, taking pictures from below.

Saturday evening we drove to Kimball, where I we hung out with the youth at the Church there and played Assassin, a water gun game where you hunt other people while being hunted yourself. I was in the last four...we ended up at a standstill, 'cause two of the people were hiding up in the rafters out of our range and we stayed out of their range, so the game just ended. I would've won, though! =D
I got to spend the night at Steve and Mandy's house, along with Brad and Emily from my group. We had a lot of fun playing Monopoly, and although Mandy tried her best to help me out by giving me her nicely developed property, Brad helped Steve out, so Steve won the game. Jerk. =D Just kidding.
After Church this morning, most of the group was cleaning up our equipment, while Crystal Blanchard and I had special permission to hang out with our respective families for as long as possible. Mandy took me to see her coffee shop, Bella's, and made me an Almond Raspberry White Chocolate Mocha...Soooo delicious!
The weekend was so much fun, I loved hanging out with Adoration, seeing Jon, visiting with Mandy, Steve, and the kids, and singing this morning. My life is filled with so many blessings.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Fun Times with my Friends
Friday, March 7, 2008
Friday, February 8, 2008
Cold Nights

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Thursday, January 31, 2008
Singing in Alexandria

After getting to the Church building in Alexandria, we were fed our choice of several different kids of very yummy soup, complete with 3x5 cards with all of the ingredients listed for the sake of one of our girls, Liz, who is deathly allergic to many different foods.
After we ate, we got together with some of the youth that was there and played games. One of the games we played was called Ninja Tag. The pictures you see below are of us trying to tag each other while our feet remain stationary on the ground.

The next morning, we sang at Alexandria Church of Christ. It went pretty well, I thought, with only a few minor hitches. It was really exciting for me, because my cousin, Mandy, showed up for the second service. I didn't know that she was going to be there and she didn't know that I was going to be there. So, when I came out to sing, it was a really happy surprise. I will say, though, that I'm slightly offended, because she recognized two of my classmates before she recognized me...hehe.
I love singing in Adoration. We have such fun times and I get to spend a lot of my time doing one of the things that I love best: singing. Next month, on the 10th, we're going to Mason City, IA, and then we get the rest of the month off for Spring Break. Then in March, we'll kick it back up again, traveling nearly every weekend.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
The eleven students that were baptized during the first week of camp.
Right after being tackled to the ground, my first introduction to Rakeem.