Yesterday was a nice relaxing day for me. Last year, I discovered that without a day off of work and school, I go pretty much crazy. So, this year, I've asked for Saturdays off. I don't always get it, but most weeks I do...and it's wonderful.
Early in the afternoon, I went on a walk with my good friend, Lydia. We met for lunch and then we walked for about an hour. It was a nice pleasant day for it, because it was sunny, but not too warm. Lydia was on the Mercy Ships for a year, and it's been fun catching up with her on all of her adventures.
The next thing on the day of relaxing was Jimmy's soccer game. He is the youngest team member, and having never played soccer before, he started out at the bottom of the totem pole. but, over the semester, he has been working up more and more playing time. This game, the Knights (Crossroad's team) won. I can't remember the score. :D
I got Jimmy home in time to grab a quick shower and then we headed out of town towards Stewartville to go to a classmate's bonfire. That was also a lot of fun, but since Emily has the pictures of that, I'm going to wait to tell you about it.
Bench warmers - Ben and Jimmy

Getting a cool drink on a warm day.

Praying with the opposing team after the game.