Today was Adoration's first time out singing this school year. We went to Cleveland, MN to sing at the Church of Christ there.
Emily picked me up at 6:10 this morning and drove to the school. Because I am the Music Directors assistant, I had to make sure that we had the keys to the van and its trailer and I also had to unlock the closet where we keep our sound equipment. I know, tough responsibilities. =D
The van pulled out from Crossroads at about 6:30. Traveling with us 11 Adoration members was our director, Brian Dunbar, his 15 year old son (whom we convinced to come, since he's fun), and Crossroads' president, Mike Kilgallin.

During the 2 hour drive, we sang songs, told stories, and talked about the order of the service and who was giving testimonies. They asked me to talk a little bit about the PSEO program and about Crossroads as a whole. So, I did, and I think that I only said "um" 5 times in my talk.
President Kilgallin preached an excellent sermon on being a champion from Galations 6:7-10. His points (just to prove that I was listening) were 1} We can't deceive God; b} We should reap what we want to sow; and III] We should not lose heart in doing good. My favorite quote through the sermon was a quote from Winston Churchill: "Never, never, never, never, never, never, never give up."
My only disappointments of the day were that my great aunt Sandy was not in Church the one day that I was there, and that my dad's cousin Pam left before I could say 'hi.'