After getting to the Church building in Alexandria, we were fed our choice of several different kids of very yummy soup, complete with 3x5 cards with all of the ingredients listed for the sake of one of our girls, Liz, who is deathly allergic to many different foods.
After we ate, we got together with some of the youth that was there and played games. One of the games we played was called Ninja Tag. The pictures you see below are of us trying to tag each other while our feet remain stationary on the ground.

The next morning, we sang at Alexandria Church of Christ. It went pretty well, I thought, with only a few minor hitches. It was really exciting for me, because my cousin, Mandy, showed up for the second service. I didn't know that she was going to be there and she didn't know that I was going to be there. So, when I came out to sing, it was a really happy surprise. I will say, though, that I'm slightly offended, because she recognized two of my classmates before she recognized me...hehe.
I love singing in Adoration. We have such fun times and I get to spend a lot of my time doing one of the things that I love best: singing. Next month, on the 10th, we're going to Mason City, IA, and then we get the rest of the month off for Spring Break. Then in March, we'll kick it back up again, traveling nearly every weekend.